Types of alert rules

Overview of the different types of alert rules that are provided on the platform.

Different types of alert rules are available on the Sensolus platform. An alert rule type is a kind of template that you must fill in the create an alert rule that is valuable for you. The types that are available to you depend on your subscription plan and add-ons.

A full overview of the different alert rule types is shown in the table below.
Table 1. Alert rule types
Alert rule type Description
Geozone alerts
Inside geozone This alert is raised if your asset is located inside a geozone
Outside geozone This alert is raised if your asset is located outside a geozone
Too long inside geozone This alert is raised when an asset is located longer than expected inside a geozone
Too long outside geozone This alert is raised when an asset is located longer than expected outside a geozone
Asset stock too low This alert is raised when the number of assets (of a specific subset of assets) within a geozone is too low. The orientation of the asset can be added as extra condition.
Asset stock too high This alert is raised when the number of assets (of a specific subset of assets) within a geozone is too high. The orientation of the asset can be added as extra condition.
Location alerts
Close to a specific location The alert is active when the asset is close to a specific location (defined as latitude/longitude coordinates and radius). No need to create a geozone to trigger the alert.
Utilization alerts
Movement detected This alert is raised each time motion of your asset is detected
Too long without motion This alert is raised if your asset has not moved for too long
Physical tamper alert This alert is raised if the tracker is removed from the asset (= the physical tamper button is released)
Diagnostics alerts
Tracker has low battery This alert is raised when the estimated battery level of your tracker is low (below 20%)
Sensor has low battery This alert is raised when the estimated battery level of your sensor is low (below 20%)
Infrastructure has low battery This alert is raised when the estimated battery level of your infrastructure device is low (below 20%). Be aware that this alert only applies to infrastructure devices that report battery status.
Offline This alert is raised if your device is offline for too long
Not connected to external power source Some devices work optimal when connected to an external power source (TRACK 1210, ZA 3510). Although they still keep working when unplugged, it is important to connect them again as soon as possible to have the correct behavior. This alert will be raised when the device is unplugged from the powre source.
Generic data alerts
Asset tag assigned This alert is raised if a specified tag is assigned to your asset
Orientation alerts
In orientation state This alert is raised when the tracker orientation state matches the selected state
Not in orientation state This alert is raised when the tracker orientation state doesn't match the selected state
Too long in orientation state This alert is raised when the tracker's orientation state is too long in selected state
Too long not in orientation state This alert is raised when the tracker's orientation state is too long not in the selected state
Orientation event alert This alert is raised each time an orientation event change is detected
Sensor value This alert is raised when the device detects a specific sensor value or value window (above, below, in range of, out range of missing value) or a sensor state (a state is or is not met). The specific states depend on the type of sensor.
Used but not charged This alert detects when an asset is used but not charged. This alert can only be used with trackers that communicate with a SENSE CUR 4600 sensor.
Shock alert This alerts detects when an asset experienced a shock. What a shock is depends on how it is defined in the tracker profile.
Maintenance alerts
Maintenance required This alert is raised when maintenance is required to your asset
Maintenance required and outside geozone This alert is raised when maintenance is due and when the asset is inside a specific geozone.