Infrastructure to track your assets indoor or on dedicated locations

Install local infrastructure to track your assets without using GNSS

Localizing assets can be done using different technologies: GNSS, Wi-Fi access points, GB 3000 stand-alone geobeacons, GB 3100 managed geobeacons or BLE zone anchors (ZA 3500, ZA 3505 or Aruba or Meraki Wi-Fi access points).

Infrastructure refers to the hardware that needs to be installed on fixed locations to provide localization information of (connected and/or BLE tag) trackers. For example, when a tracker is traveling indoor between different fabric halls it is not able to capture a GNSS location. To know the location of the tracker at that moment Wi-Fi localization can be used, but that comes with an extra cost. If there are not Wi-Fi access points available or you don't want another recurring cost, it is ideally to install local infrastructure. How to manage this infrastructure is explained in this section.

In the management section of the Sensolus platform a separate section related to Infrastructure is accessible via Admin → Location → Infrastructure