Estimation of number of tag trackers that can be scanned and sent at once
The capacity of the scanning infrastructure to scan BLE tag trackers at the same time is not
unlimited. The number of tags that can be sent depends on the scanning device capacity and the
bluetooth spectrum capacity.
The reason for this is that when very large amounts of BLE tags are present in the same
location, the advertised BLE ID signals will start to interfere with each other and create
'collision'. This collision causes the BLE anchor to miss seeing nearby BLE tags, resulting in
longer detection times or unreliable tag detection. Figure 1. Tag scanning capacity
The bluetooth spectrum capacity:
depends on the used scanning device.
the capacity for bluetooth signals at one location is limited, however only attained
when stacking lots of very small assets (many thousands).
The scanning device capacity:
Is a function of the bluetooth spectrum capacity and the capabilities of the scanning
device to process and send (scanned) tags.
Table 1. Tag capacity in relation to scanning device infrastructure
Scanning device
Communication network
Max #BLE tags scanned = scanning device capacity
TRACK 1210
2000 (recommended limit)
ZA 3510 (externally powered)
2000 (recommended limit)
ZA 3510 (battery powered)
ZA 3505
Mobile device Zebra
Device communication network
Note: For larger dimensioning of scanning BLE tags at once contact
Sensolus to make a project-specific investigation.
Can 3rd party BLE tags be used?
Some customers request to use BLE tags from other vendors with the Sensolus platform.
The answer on this question is yes, this is possible.
But there are some requirements and it comes with a cost.
The tags should use the iBeacon format
The tags must be registered in the Sensolus platform (Sensolus intervention
A platform subscription cost applies
There is maximum 1 UUID per organization (for all tags and must be configured for all
scanning devices)
There needs to be an adequate validation and testing because other BLE parameters an
settings may influence detectability and battery life.
Also, it comes with a BLE tag configuration and registration fee and the usual platform
subscription cost.
Please contact your sales representative or Sensolus support for further information.