BLE tags on the Sensolus platform
Explanation on how BLE tags and which information on BLE tags are shown on the platform
Next to battery or vehicle powered trackers, Sensolus also provides Bluetooth BLE tag trackers (tags). The most important differences between the former trackers and tag trackers is that tags do not communicate directly to the internet, but that they need a scanning device to communicate to the network.
Tags are fully dependent of a 'scanning device' to sent information to the network. In addition, they also don't capture a location themselves. In fact, they will tell the 'communication gateway' or scanning device that they are nearby and ask them to provide them with a location (the gateway copies its location to the tag) and send this information to the cloud.
Different scanning devices can detect tags and communicate their information to the network: zone anchors, vehicle trackers (TRACK 1210) and smart phones.
In the Home → Asset asset list of the trackers list you can look for tags by filtering on "product" and select all the products that contain the word "TAG".

Tag trackers status page
As a tag trackers is also a tracker, it has a separate asset status page.
Most of the fields are the same as on the other asset status pages.
As BLE tag trackers never get a location by themselves but are dependent of scanning infrastructure to get a location.
But be aware, some differences are important:
- The address shown on the page is the address of the last scanning device that detected the tag.
- Under the address you see information on the scanning device the tag inherited the location from.
The scanning device from which the location source is used to give the tag a location is shown on the asset page.