May 10, 2023
Platform release notes 5.5.1
Use mobile app to link sensor to tracker
Until now it was possible to link a sensor to a tracker on the Sensolus platform. As this linking often happens in the field we now also made it possible to link the sensor to the tracker using the Sensolus mobile app. Explanation on how to do this is available here
Historic location data animation
For customers with an Analytics subscription plan a new feature is available which shows the geozone visits evolution over time (which also tells you about the stock evolution in your geozones over time) of your asset fleet.
You have access to the location history via Home → Dashboards → Location dashboard.
The stock evolution tab in the Home →
Geozone → Geozone dashboard → Stock evolution is now also changed into an animated stock
More explanation on this feature is available here.
Alignment of vocabulary of infrastructure/device/sensors on the platform
ZA3505 zone anchors are now only recognized as infrastructure on the Sensolus platform, and not as trackers anymore. As the ZA 3505 are in fact trackers that are re-build for anchor purposes they were also available on the platform as trackers which was very confusing.
Remove location jumpers of NB-IOT trackers
Sensolus NB-IoT trackers (TRACK 1100 & TRACK 1110) do not have network locations to validate if a Wi-Fi resolution done by the resolution service Here or another external resolution service is completely wrong. This wrong locations typically happen when a tracker travels in spaces where there are a lot of mobile Wi-Fi access points such as airports or fairs or big events. A first measure that we took (in this release) is that we ask the resolution service provider Here to only resolve a location when it recognizes at least 2 MAC addresses.
New organization diagnostics: subscription trends by state
For partners we created a new metric to better manage their organization accounts.
The new graph contains the history of the subscription trends. This metric gives for example information of the roll-out of the trackers in the field by the customer (going from the ready to active state) or the churn (going to expired or terminated state).
More information on this organization diagnostics is available here.
Uptime monitor
There is a new monitor available at The monitor gives insights on the operations of the Sensolus cloud infrastucture.
Changes compared to the other one are:
monitors individual components
keeps 365 days of history (but we have started it only a few months ago)
More explanation on this monitor can be found here.
New documentation center
A new documentation center is launched. The new documentation center contains a lot of
high-level but also more technical detailed information on the Sensolus devices, platform
functions and interface. If you have a question about our solution, try to search for the
answer on the documentation center. The documentation center is directly accessible via the
Sensolus platform by clicking the in the
top navigation bar.
Republish failed webhooks + failure notification
At the organisation level you can mark a user as the technical responsible. When webhooks start failing (because the target is not responding or returning a non 2xx code) the system will send an email to that person. A second email will be send when the functionality is restored.
On top of that we have implemented the ability to resend failed webhook calls on request beyond the standard 3 retries. Contact support to run this in case it would be needed.
IFrame embedded web apps (with SSO support)
Some customers want to integrate existing web applications into the Sensolus platform. From now on this is possible. Existing web applications can be shown in our platform in an IFrame that is rendered as a custom dashboard. In addition, this can be done without need for using a seperate login as we provide SSO login by linking existing login credentials. This means that when you login in the Sensolus webapp you also automatically login in the third party webapp embedded in the IFrame. Contact support if you want to start embedding web apps and SSO.