Location history data dashboard

Explanation on the location history animated available as dashboard on the Sensolus platform

Go to Home → Assets → Location history to access the location history data dashboard.

You arrive on an animated dashboard that looks as following:
Figure 1. Location history dashboard

First, select the time period of which you want to see the geozone visits of your assets. Use the filter if you only want to see the history of a selection of your asset fleet.

Second, you can start the animation by clicking on the button. If you select the Show Trackpoint feature you will see the lines of the travels of your asset (like in the figure above). If you select Auto replay feature the animation will keep on playing (this can be useful for showcase purposes).

It is possible to show the history animation in full map view or in splitview (this is the default setting) or the heatmap. Just click the button of your preference.

Under (5) you see the table with the names of the different geozones in your organization. For every geozone you see the evolution of the number of assets that are available in this geozone over time. The animation on the table is aligned with the animation on the map.