Language string overrides

Overwrite text labels in the web platform interface to customize the naming used in the navigation of the platform to your own company-specific jargon. This feature is part of the branding add-on.

If your company has a dedicated naming jargon it can be comfortable to also find the same naming on the Sensolus platform. It is possible to rename each tab in the navigation to your own naming by overriding the language string.

Figure 1. Override language strings
Following fields should be selected or filled in.
Table 1. Language string fields
Field Description
Original text The original text of the field (tab, columnheader or any other key) you want to replace with your own naming.
New text The text you want to be used in the field selected under 'original text'.
Language The interface language where the new naming should be implemented. You should do it for every separate language if you want to adapt different language interfaces.

Don't forget to click Savebefore navigating away from the page.


Imagine you want to change the text of the 'Custom data' tab in the interface to 'Data from SAP' because it would it more descriptive to your users.
Figure 2. Example language string customization

Go to Admin → Customization → Language strings override → Add string override

Select in the Original text (start typing): External data (v42_external_data_key)

Note: Every text string has an internal key. If you don't find the text string, contact Sensolus.

In the New text field you write: Data from SAP

Select language: English

Click Save

If you look now in the Language strings override list you will see this naming replacement is listed.

If you look to the interface you will see the following:

Figure 3. Example language string customization - after customization
Note: Translation strings override can be performed on partner organization level and on organization level. But partner overrides have priority over organizations.
Note: Be aware that when changing a lot of keys the Sensolus documentation and support will be more difficult as language usage in the user guide and in contact with support will be different.