User roles
What user roles can do what and how can they be created.
The actions a user can do is determined by its user role. The user role contains a set of permissions. Every information element in the user interface and every action has a required permission. A user will only see the elements for which she has the required permission. She can only do the actions for which she has the required permission.
Optionally, the user role can also restrict at which times a user can login. A complex schedule can be defined to configure the access times.
The system comes with a set of predefined user profiles but it is also possible to create your own.
Typical use cases for user roles:
- Have users who can see everything but not change anything.
- Have users who can only see geozones but no other detail.
- Have users who see all current data but nothing historic.
- Have users who can only login to the system during working hours.
Go to
Admin → Access Management → User roles to create a dedicated set of
user roles.