Asset status indication

The asset status indicator summarizes the operational status of its tracker or tag. Possible statuses are online, offline, ready for use, sent rate limited or off contract.

Tracker status: overview

The status of a tracker is represented by a status indicator.

These are the possible states for a tracker at any given time:

Ready for use: The tracker is ready to be used. It has a valid subscription, but the platform hasn't received a first message from this tracker yet. Normally this is because the tracker has not yet been physically activated.
Online: The tracker has a valid subscription, has been successfully activated, and has successfully communicated with the Sensolus platform in the last 2 days.
Offline: The tracker has a proper subscription, has been successfully activated, but has not communicated with the Sensolus platform in the last 2 days.
Send rate limited: The tracker is sending too much data and is therefore temporarily blocked from sending additional data.
Off contract: The tracker does not have a valid subscription and therefore cannot be used to track assets.

Tag status: overview

Tag trackers work in a different way then trackers. The possible states for a tag at any given time are the following:
Ready for use: The tag is ready to be used. It has a valid subscription, but the platform hasn't received a first message from this tag yet.
Online: The tag has a valid subscription, has been successfully activated, and has successfully communicated with the Sensolus platform in the last 3 days.
By default tags don't have an offline status as they do not connect directly to the Sensolus platform. If a tag has an oflline status, this is due to a custom configuration.
Off contract: The tag does not have a valid subscription and therefore cannot be used to track assets.

Off line status configuration

By default trackers go to offline if they haven't communicated with the Sensolus platform in the last 3 days. Tags by default never go in Offline status.

The offline status however can be configured by Sensolus support if wished by a customer. Configuration of the offline status can be either 'never offline' which means the tag will never get the status offline (this is the default status for tags) or 'time-based offline' which means a specific time period can be configured for a tag to be set offline. The time period referens to the time the tag hasn't communicated to the platform.