Tracker battery replacement

some trackers have replaceable batteries. When a user physically replaces the batteries of a tracker, it is important that the platform is aware of this as well, so that the tracker battery status and remaining autonomy can be correctly calculated.

Whenever the battery of a tracker is replaced, the user should specify this in the Sensolus platform. In order to do this, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Asset View mode (follow the steps described in this task) and click on the "Battery" tab:

  2. In the Overview section, click on the "Replace battery" link:

  3. A confirmation request will pop-up, please click "Replace" to confirm:

Note: if you replace a tracker's batteries without informing the platform as describe in this page, the battery status and autonomy predictions will be wrong.
Note: please only use batteries provided by Sensolus, because different batteries will be less performing and will result in a shorter battery autonomy, and in addition the battery status and autonomy predictions will be wrong.