Asset geozone visits recalculation when editing geozones

Understand how the history of the geozone visits of an asset is generated, when you add new geozones or make changes to existing geozones.

Why and when is geozone visit recalculation needed?

The Sensolus platform automatically keeps track of when assets enter and exit geozones, based on the individual location points that are sent by the trackers. Such a recorded presence in a geozone, is called a geozone visit (Geozone visits of an asset).

If you make changes to geozones and your tracker assets have already been in use, it is important to understand when geozone visits are stored in the underlying database. Potentially, you may want to initiate a recalculation based on the historical data. Otherwise, the visualizations and reports that depend on geozone visits will not show the expected results.

When adding a new geozone, or when changing the dimensions of an existing geozone, then automatically the current locations of all assets in the organization are re-evaluated. This recalculation is based on the most recent location point, known at the time. For example, if the last location point of an asset in this new geozone was captured at 05:30, then automatically a geozone visit will be created with start-time at 05:30.

However, take into account that the platform does not automatically re-evaluate the complete history of asset locations when editing geozones. The reason for this, is that potentially there are a lot of trackers and geozones in an organization and this can cause repeated and excessive load on the platform. Moreover, typically you will add and modify several geozones consecutively and the platform can't guess when exactly you have finished all you geozone modification work.

So, when making changes to geozones, and you want to apply this historical location data do the following:

  1. First, make all the modifications to any geozones that you intend to make.
  2. When you have finalized your changes, launch a recalculation of geozone visits (see below).

How to initiate geozone visit recalculation

Geozone visits can be recalculated, and its progress can be monitored, using bulk operations.

  1. First make all your changes. There is a quota (limit) on the amount of recalculations that can be performed on a 3-month basis. This is put in place to enforce fair use. If you hit the limit, contact Sensolus support to reset your quota.
  2. Go to the administrative asset list. Make sure your filter criteria match the assets for which to recalculate and initiate the asset bulk operations dialog (Tracker bulk operations).
  3. In the Bulk operations, select Geozone visit recalculation as operation to perform.
  4. Select the time window for the recalculation:
    • Last month
    • Last year
    • Since first message